I am going to tell you something that you already know. It's simply this. Everyone has fears. Whether you are young or old, fear can often dominate your life. Fear is a very dominating force.  But what is fear?  It’s False Evidence Appearing Real, and it can cripple a person!

When I was a child and even as a teen, I feared school tests. I feared failing.  I feared bad grades.  I feared teachers would pass judgement on me and label me.  I feared looking silly in front of my peers, and often this led to me missing out on certain opportunities.  Sadly, I know that many kids today have those same fears, as well as others, such as moving to a new neighborhood, making friends, being accepted by peers, or being good enough, and on and on. Adults also have fears concerning caring for their families, the pandemic, and how to best keep their loved ones safe, and again, on and on.

Chipping away at your fears is a process which takes time and support.  This is where Full Circle Dojang can help. Training at Full Circle Dojang can help you conquer yourself and conquering yourself can conquer your fears. At Full Circle Dojang it is not about training against someone, it is about training WITH someone. With a support system.  You are not training to prove something to someone, not even to yourself---BUT RATHER, YOU ARE TRAINING FOR YOURSELF! Think about it. There is a difference. Your fear of proving something is gone. This is for yourself. When you do something positive for yourself, the benefits not only accrue to you, but to your family, and everyone that you meet.

Training at Full Circle Dojang gives you the skills to build confidence, to get to know yourself and to build a better self, and in this way, conquer yourself and your fears. You learn that success is inward and then outward. The self-defense skills that you learn, the ability to learn and perfect technique, the strong will that you develop training here, that is what starts to give you tools to defeat fear. At Full Circle Dojang you are not pitted against someone and told to measure up against someone else's progress. If you are an adult, you are not told to replicate a technique in exactly the way a young child can perform that skill {and yes, that has happened to me at another school} but we work with your body and with your particular circumstances, because to you are an individual, unique, and worthy of respect. And yes, because we have the knowledge and skill to know how to do this! You learn that you have the will to progress and beat YOUR progress. You are an individual with your own set of goals and achievements. If you are here, if you are training at Full Circle Dojang, you have found the rarity in martial arts today. Congratulations!

Tell us your story about how Full Circle Dojang helped you to overcome your fears and win a prize. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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